Ships find it difficult to navigate in the Arctic
Global warming is likely to have an unexpected consequence in the Arctic, reducing the carbon footprint of shipping...

The hatred that the name “Rothschild” provokes among anti-Jews
From the cartoonish anti-Semitic posters of the 19th century to the misinformation linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, the...

Honte aux Palestiniens qui massacrent les animaux
La barbarie des Palestiniens s’étend jusqu’aux animaux, car il ne faut pas un chat ou un chien en...

Shame on Palestinians who massacre animals
A MURDER SPREE of street dogs for cash ensued – dogs were shot, hung, abused and run over...

Striking a balance between climate and poverty
The fight against global warming is becoming the top priority for many governments and international bodies, but a...

Israel sets an example in the fight against climate change
Israel is one of the main leaders in the field of climate innovation and can provide essential solutions...

On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas launched a terror expeditionin Israel, killing babies, children, pregnant...

Save the Jewish People: Part II
It’s already been two weeks since the genocide of the Jews in Israel took place, two weeks since...

The Jewish people must be saved- Part I
According to the Old Testament, the Patriarch Abraham, the Father of monotheism, had a son with his wife...

The link between ocean warming and climate change
This indicator describes trends in the amount of heat stored in the world’s oceans. This figure shows changes...