A MURDER SPREE of street dogs for cash ensued – dogs were shot, hung, abused and run over by cars. THEN, the killers gloatingly shared horrific footage of the massacre on social media.
The barbarity of the Palestinians extends to the animals because you don’t need a cat or a dog in Palestine and Gaza.
Because animals suffer atrocities with inhuman cruelty.
In Gaza, children regularly play at catching cats and dogs in the street subjecting them to torture
and making them die in terrible conditions before the eyes of parents and friends who are proud
to see their children acting cruelly.

In fact, they train these poor creatures to later hope to do the same to humans, in this case, Jews
as happened on October 7th.
Not long ago, in Hebron, West Bank, the town’s mayor decreed that Hebron’s cats and dogs were undesirable
and that a $5 bounty would be given to anyone bringing in a dead animal.
. Credit: Twitter @KhaledAbuToameh
With this bounty, the Palestinians went on the rampage and killed thousands of cats and dogs. The problem is that these innocent animals
hanged, burned alive, slaughtered and mutilated.
These are true scenes of horror that animal protection associations, such as the Association for Environment and Animals (AEA)which can accommodate no more than fifty animals, have witnessed the cruelty of the Palestinians.
Credit: AEA
Following the scandal caused by this despicable mayoral decree, animal lovers succeeded in forcing the mayor to withdraw this infamous bounty. Meanwhile, people continue to kill street dogs. For Palestinians, killing animals is part of their culture.
It’s important to mobilize so that these acts of cruelty towards animals stop in Palestine and Gaza.
These people, who are calling for an independent state, do not follow the international rules of respect for animal life and non-cruelty to animals.
Cruelty to animals. What is happening in Palestine and Gaza is unacceptable and inhuman.
These barbarians must be brought to justice, and the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights must be respected.
Very soon, we will be organizing a fundraising campaign to save the animals in Palestine.
For your information
The Universal Declaration of Animal Rights, co-written by the LFDA, was solemnly proclaimed in Paris on October 15, 1978, at Unesco House. Its text, revised by the International League for the Rights of Animals in 1989, was made public in 1990.
Considering that Life is one, all living beings have a common origin and have differentiated in the course of the evolution of species,
Considering that disregard for, or even simple disregard of, these natural rights causes serious harm to Nature and leads man to commit crimes against animals,
Considering that the coexistence of species in the world implies the recognition by the human species of the right to the existence of other animal species,
Considering that man’s respect for animals is inseparable from man’s respect for each other,
All animals have equal rights to exist within the framework of biological equilibrium.
This equality does not conceal the diversity of species and individuals.
All animal life is entitled to respect.
No animal shall be subjected to mistreatment or cruelty.
If the killing of an animal is necessary, it must be instantaneous, painless and not cause distress.
The dead animal must be treated with decency.
Wild animals have the right to live freely in their natural environment, and to reproduce there.
Prolonged deprivation of its freedom, hunting and fishing for pleasure, as well as any use of wild animals for purposes other than vital, are contrary to this right.
Animals under human control are entitled to careful care and maintenance.
They must never be abandoned or unjustifiably put to death.
All forms of animal husbandry and use must respect the physiology and behaviour specific to the species.
Exhibitions, shows and films using animals must also respect their dignity and not involve any violence.
Animal experimentation involving physical or psychological suffering violates the rights of the animal.
Alternative methods must be developed and systematically implemented.
Any act involving the unnecessary death of an animal and any decision leading to such an act constitutes a crime against life.
Any act compromising the survival of a wild species, and any decision leading to such an act constitutes genocide, i.e. a crime against the species.
The slaughter of wild animals, pollution, and the destruction of biotopes are genocide.
The legal personality of animals and their rights must be recognized by law.
The defence and safeguarding of the animal must have representatives within governmental bodies.
Education and public instruction must lead man, from childhood, to observe, understand and respect animals.