The equinoxes influence the climate
Our planet’s climate is influenced by the relative positions of the Earth and the Sun (by the Earth’s...
The Mediterranean Sea is being abused by polluters
The Mediterranean is one of the world’s hot spots for climate change. Lower average rainfall and significantly higher...
Volcanic eruptions influence climate change
What influence do volcanic eruptions have on the climate? Volcanic eruptions are impressive in their power and suddenness....
GAFAM, a major consumer of water
An illustration of a floating data center being developed by Nautilus Data Technologies. (Image: Nautilus Data) The data...
Noise pollution and sleep disorders
Noise, and more generally what we call noise pollution, has a definite effect on our health and is...
Water vapor is a cause of the greenhouse effect
Is water vapor properly taken into account when calculating the greenhouse effect?The use of fossil fuels (oil, coal,...
What is the climatic impact of aircraft?
What is the climatic impact of aircraft trails? High-flying aircraft sometimes leave white streaks in the sky. This...
Is the current warming due to cosmic radiation?
The Earth’s atmosphere is flooded by a stream of high-energy particles from deep space, known as galactic cosmic...
It is possible to find the weather in the Middle Ages
Reconstructing global temperature variations over the last millennium is a challenge taken up by dozens of teams of...
The link between aerosols and climate change
How do atmospheric aerosols modify the climate?Aerosols linked to human activities are responsible for a cooling of the...