The major role of women in science
As is often the science case, the men who have advanced meteorology are better known than the women....

Phosphorus alert rating at its highest
Phosphorus production is essential for food and water security, but this nutrient is becoming scarce and is causing...

Le vice-amiral Michel Olhagaray coule en plein direct à la TV
@breaknews75 🔴⚡Malaise sur le plateau d'LCI après les propos de l'Amiral Michel Olhagaray 🇫🇷. 🗣️"Comment Mia Hachem ignorait-elle...

On n’avait rien, mais on avait tout
Les années 70, l’insouciance des années des 70, avec les cheveux longs, les pantalons avec les pattes d’eph,, les chansons...

Lobsters are in danger
Shaken by artificial eddies in large white plastic tanks, the tiny lobsters are safe from predators. In a...

Lighting space from the energy of the sun
The famous university, California Institute of Technology, Caltech, has launched a demonstrator into orbit that will test various...

France’s major corporations ignore climate change
Lille hosted a Companies for the Climate (CEC) convention, under the glass roof of Euratechnologies, a former textile...

Dutch technology for recycling plastic
The method of recycling plastic is very complicated.Plastic cannot be categorized as a simple “material”. It contains various...

L’Unicef refuse d’aider les enfants Juifs
Après la Croix Rouge, l’ONU, c’est au tour de l’Unicef d’être sur le gril et d’être accusé d’antisémitisme primaire. Le scandale...

Space costs a lot in pollution
It’s about time-space missions became “greener”? Observing the stars emit a significant amount of CO2, and in the...