Renowned Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg went completely off the rails on October 20, 2023, with her polemical tweet about Gaza, publicly announcing her support for the cause of the Palestinians in Gaza and thus for the terrorist Hamas movement.
What’s worse is that this activist had not the slightest compassion, not the slightest word for the Jewish civilians murdered and killed in a savage and barbaric manner by these same Palestinians of Gaza and their terror movement, hamas.
More than 1,400 Jews have died in atrocious conditions, women, children, babies, old people and above all more than 230 people, including babies and children, locked up in animal cages in Gaza, have been taken hostage, women who have already been raped by these terrorist Palestinians from Gaza of hamas have been living in terror since October 7, 2023, and Greta Thunberg hasn’t said a word. This silence is deafening.
If Greta Thunberg had had a word for the Jews murdered on October 7 and then sent a message for the Palestinians in Gaza, her behavior would have been legible, but this is not the case, she has deliberately glossed over the suffering of the Jews to focus on the situation of the Palestinians in Gaza. De facto, her tweet is clearly anti-Semitic and openly supports the terrorist movement, it’s a disgrace, Greta Thunberg, is followed by tens of millions of followers across social networks and her words and actions carry weight with millions of people around the world.
It would be good to point out to this anti-Semitic activist that the Jews who were killed in atrocious conditions on October 7 were people of peace, working for ecology and against climate change, these Jews, these Israelis, were murdered because they were “Jewish”.
All these Jews from the Kibbutz, close to Gaza, were helping Gaza’s civilians every day, bringing them food, clothes and medicines, looking after children, and giving them medical treatment in hospitals in Israel.
YouTube screen capture
Like Eyal Waldman, the famous Israeli tech entrepreneur who lost his daughter Danielle, 24, in the October 7 attacks, when he had invested in Gaza, creating dozens of jobs, and his daughter, Danielle, was in charge of the Gaza branch, and they were rewarded for their kindness and love of peace by murdering a father’s most precious possession, his daughter.
The Jews and non-Jews who danced on October 7 at the “supernature” party were peace-loving people who loved nature and defended the ecological cause so dear to Greta Thunberg. They were killed, massacred, raped, disembowelled, kidnapped and tortured by these Palestinians from hamas and gaza, and Greta Thunberg didn’t have a word for them.
Jewish Students in Uppsala University, Sweden. Some are Norwegian Jewish refugees.
Greta Thunberg, you said nothing for them, because they were Jews, a Jew can die, it’s normal, he has the right to die, to be tortured, because history has already proved that men can kill Jews with impunity. You follow the path of the European anti-Semites of the last centuries, from Spain to Poland, Ukraine, and Russia, via the pogroms and especially Sweden, where to settle for a Jew in Sweden in the 18ᵉ century, had to convert to Christianity and even in 1939, Jews who wanted to flee the Nazis and settle were turned away, we must not forget the anti-Jewish student demonstrations at the universities of Uppsala and Lund in 1938, perhaps your forefathers were already in this spirit of considering the Jew a negligible quantity.
Your tweet supporting hamas in Gaza is considered an apology for terrorism, your tweet is dangerous, because it endorses the cause of hamas in Gaza and this is reprehensible.
The Right Livelihood Award 2019 to Greta Thunberg
You are no longer worthy of representing your humanitarian causes, you are no longer worthy of having received all your prestigious awards, such as the Right Livelihood Award and the Geddes Environment Medal, one of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society’s most important awards, and it would be important to take them away from you, you don’t deserve them. We advise you to undergo therapy for your primary anti-Semitism, go and visit the Auschwitz and Treblinka concentration camps, go and visit Israel, and you’ll see, you’ll feel better.