

The product mounts on the handlebars of a bicycle and measures pollution levels as you pedal, recording them on an app. In this way, users can be aware of the quality of the air they breathe at all times. Even (and especially) while pedalling in asphyxiating cities.

In 2015, Dutch technology company SODAQ built Air’s prototype. Two years later, it was used in a data-rich project to map harmful emissions from cars and monitor pollution levels from other vehicles on nearby roads. A great plan by Utrecht’s public health department and environmental institute to assess air quality using only Wi-Fi-equipped bikes. Starting with just 10 equipped riders, the project was so successful that it increased their number to over 500.

In 2019, SODAQ introduced a new and improved Air technology. The latest model, smaller and easier to mount/dismount, is also “smarter”. Using sensors to measure air quality, fine dust concentration, temperature and humidity once every 10 seconds helps you stay safe at all times. A good idea too for those who want to use the sensor at home, perhaps to understand whether they need to wear a mask during renovation work.

Air, however, as mentioned, does its best “on the move”. The new system not only lets you know if environmental conditions are changing in your area but also provides information on how to organize your bike ride to increase well-being and reduce smog. You can check up-to-date data for PM2.5-sized particles throughout the city in real-time. Think of it as a sort of “Google Maps” of air quality.

The engineering process

The first rendition of the AIR proved to be quite a challenging process, as the technology required hadn’t yet been created. Our in-house expertise allowed us to create hardware small enough to mount on a bicycle, while still providing accurate data on air pollution. Over the years we’ve continued to decrease the AIRs dimensions, and increase its sensitivity while optimizing the device for low energy consumption. The current rendition of the AIR is powered by a supercapacitor which considerably increases the device’s lifetime.

In short: whether it’s toxic agents, smog or fire smoke (not so much in Europe as in the USA this gadget can be really useful, especially after seeing what climate change even does in summer), Air provides instant results and lets you keep your health under control.

The SODAQ AIR measures:

PM2.5 (particulate matter)
Indicative values for PM1.0, PM4.0, and PM10
Barometric pressure


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