Les racines profondes de l’antisémitisme et la construction du troisième Temple
Selon l’Ancien Testament, le patriarche Abraham, père du monothéisme, eut un fils avec sa femme Sarah, nommé Isaac,...
The western civilization is falling into obscurity
From Brussels to London, from Paris to Madrid, from Rome to Berlin, from New York to Toronto, from...
Leonardo DiCaprio is a real star in the world of ecology
The biggest movie star of the last 50 years, Leonardo DiCaprio, has been nominated for four Academy Awards®....
La civilisation Occidentale entre dans l’obscurité
De Bruxelles a Londres, de Paris a Madrid, de Rome a Berlin, de New-York a Toronto, de Los...
Fossil fuel production must be reduced
Dependence on fossil fuels has negative consequences for climate change, economic autonomy, cost control, purchasing power, and national...
Le plus grand scandale est la Nazification de l’ONU
L’Organisation des Nations Unies a été créée le 24 octobre 1945 à la suite de la signature de la Charte par...
The biggest scandal is the Nazification of the UN
Shame for the UN Women’s Association The United Nations was created on October 24, 1945, following the signing of...
Is there a real CO2 emissions data index?
Companies are increasingly communicating their efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and CO2 emissions, which have become one...
Solutions to limit global warming
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change believes CO2 emissions must peak within three years to ensure a liable...
An enzyme that rapidly decomposes plastic
A new enzyme created in the laboratory can reduce the decomposition time of plastic from thousands of years...