L’Unicef refuse d’aider les enfants Juifs
Après la Croix Rouge, l’ONU, c’est au tour de l’Unicef d’être sur le gril et d’être accusé d’antisémitisme primaire. Le scandale...
Human intelligence is stronger than AI
Winner of the Prix Denis-Barbeau from Acfas, biologist Jean-François Lemay produces proteins for university researchers and companies. They...
The planet is in danger from huge forest fires
Over the past 20 years, huge forest fires have been multiplying at an alarming rate. From Oceania to...
We must act now for the Planet
Climate change is wreaking havoc around the world, and no leader is doing anything about it. The United...
Real estate in the service of ecology
Mipim, the world’s leading real estate fair and for the first time, “proptech” will be present in large...
Space costs a lot in pollution
It’s about time-space missions became “greener”? Observing the stars emit a significant amount of CO2, and in the...
Deforestation is a major problem for the planet
Forests play an important role in climate regulation, and their depletion is accelerating climate change. They limit the...
What happens to used solar panels?
Solar panels are the backbone of renewable solar energy production, with a life expectancy of around twenty years....
Invisibility is finally possible
Two companies offer invincibility shields for two different uses. In 2019, after nine years of research, Canadian company...
The deep roots of anti-Semitism and the construction of the Third Temple
According to the Old Testament, the patriarch Abraham, father of monotheism, had a son with his wife Sarah,...