New danger to the ozone layer
Thanks to the measures taken since the end of the 1980s to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the ozone...
The sea level is rising too fast
Scientists have not yet understood all the mechanisms involved in the phenomenon of rising sea levels, but they...
Plastic pollution must be stopped
Plastic pollution has exploded since the 1970s and is expected to get worse in the coming years. Several...
The Mekong River has become the sanctuary of dolphins
The Mekong River crosses several countries including Cambodia, and we can find the last Irrawaddy dolphins, from time...
L’Indonésie entre dans le bal des hypocrites
L’Indonésie est un immense pays de 270 millions d’habitants, le plus grand pays Musulman au monde et au nom...
Eternal pollutants are present in Europe
PFAS, perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemical pollutants used in many products are finding their way into the environment and...
Materials from the Moon to create solar rings
Blue Origin is developing a technology that would allow it to manufacture solar panels from components directly available...
L’Afrique du Sud commet un génocide au Lesotho
L’Afrique du Sud fait la une des médias dans le monde, depuis, sa plainte auprès de la cour pénale internationale de la Haye aux...
South Africa commits genocide in Lesotho
South Africa is one of the media in the world, since, its complaint to the international criminal court...
Superconducting materials will be essential tomorrow
Some materials can conduct electricity without any resistance, and therefore without any loss of energy when subjected to...