The Earth, speed champion of the universe
It is important to remember that we move very fast through space. In the space of a second,...
Let’s stop being afraid of sharks
Since the dawn of time, sharks have been feared by mankind. They are presented as a veritable killing...
Tunisia is taking an ecological approach
A Tunisian worker frays a pair of jeans that will soon be a designer carpet. This unique experience...
Respecting your biological clock means respecting your health
The human body’s biological clock, also known as the circadian rhythm, can be deregulated by night work, regular...
Weather events that have already crossed 2024
While 2023 was marked by record heat and drought, the first two months of 2024 are already witnessing...
Ferrero Group still in turmoil
After the scandal of 62 cases of salmonella contamination linked to the Ferrero plant in Arlon, a town...
Tests with new energy are launched in space
For some time now, competition has been underway to replace chemical engines in spacecraft with other types of...
The cooling of the Earth is affected by global warming
Scientists have always wondered whether the climate that preceded the Industrial Age thousands of years ago followed a...
Heat waves are destroying Europe
The service of Meteo France is concerned for the future and says, “Over the whole year, the temperature...
Superconducting materials will be essential tomorrow
Some materials can conduct electricity without any resistance, and therefore without any loss of energy when subjected to...