Posters on behalf of UNICEF refusing Israeli children are fake


In a telephone interview with our journalist, David Smadja, Unicef’s Director of Communication in Paris, Lucile Grosjean, said, with the utmost firmness, that these posters posted on the windows of the UNICEF office, rue Saint-Lazare in the ninth arrondissement of Paris are fake and that it was a rough montage.

Lucile Grosjean wanted to mention that “UNICEF’s message is to help all children around the world without looking at the origin or race of children.” Discussing further, she added, “that UNICEF’s policy is to protect all children who are involved in armed conflicts, support the ceasefire in the Gaza war and release the children hostages”.

I had to tell her that they were Israeli hostage children and that she added the term “Israeli”. Through, “this oversight”, lies, the whole problem of the relationship between UNICEF and Israel, in the eyes of Israelis, UNICEF is biased and pro-Palestinian and does not want to help Israelis and this leads to a misunderstanding total between the two parties.
Moreover, Lucile Grosjeau said that the Israeli State refused the help of UNICEF on Israeli soil.

The UNICEF Director of Communication has announced that UNICEF reserves the right to file a complaint for these fake posters fraudulently affixed to the windows of the UNICEF offices in Paris and the use of the UNICEF brand and logos.

Tensions between UNICEF, Israel and Jewish communities around the world are very high and need to be eased. UNICEF should send messages to the Jewish community and Israel of compassion, humanity and sympathy.

Israeli children do not need money, but love and warmth, it is not normal for a 10-month-old child to be held hostage in Gaza and for UNICEF to say virtually nothing and the best proof of this indifference to the fate of Israeli children and the LinkedIn page of Lucile Grosjean which highlights in its homepage “All Eyes in Gaza” and nothing about the Israeli hostages who have been suffering for nine months.

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