
On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas launched a terror expedition
in Israel, killing babies, children, pregnant women, the elderly, and kidnapped babies, children, women 

Since October 7, 230 Jews have been held prisoner by the barbaric Palestinians of Hamas. From October 8, 2023 pro-Hamas people took to the streets to show their support for their hamas brothers.

Since October 8, all the media – TV, newspapers, and radio – have been talking about the pro-Hamas demonstrations.

No mentions of the Jewish hostages held in Gaza, not a single line, not a word as if they didn’t exist.
The news of the Israeli bombardment of Gaza has pushed into the background the suffering of these innocent civilians, kidnapped because they were “Jews”.


Not even the Red Cross or the red crescent are interested, and none of their members, however quick
to make false accusations against Israel, made light of Jews kidnapped by the Palestinians of Hamas.
Not a word, not a communiqué, radio silence. The ultimate shame goes even further when we witness
vandals and hamas accomplices tearing down photos of poor children kidnapped by Palestinian

People have gone completely mad and drunk with hatred against the Jews to commit such despicable acts. People would normally walk past a missing pet poster without feeling triggered, but for Jews, it’s alright to tear down missing children fliers? 

Jews are somehow a trigger to these hamas supporters, and it wasn’t so difficult for them to convince a whole mass of people, anti-Semitic by nature, to embark on this adventure they’ve been dreaming of for years.


Politicians urgently need to act quickly and decisively to establish a law prohibiting these acts of vandalism and anti-Semitism of tearing up photos of hostages.

I remember that in the 80s, the case of the French hostages, Marcel Fontaine and Marcel Carton, kidnapped in Lebanon on March 22, 1985, and Jean-Paul Kauffmann, a journalist, and Michel Seurat, a sociologist, kidnapped on May 22, 1985, while on their way to the airport. Michel Seurat was to die in captivity in March 1986.

Their long captivity sparked a vast mobilization of the press and public opinion, and France 2 decided to start their 8 pm news with a photo of the four French hostages and the number of days they had been held since their abduction so that no one would forget their ordeal.

Today, we have nine abducted Frenchmen, held by barbarians and nobody talks about it, at least six British and the English media are silent on this issue, two Italians, three Austrians, ten Americans, four Canadians, Argentinians, Brazilians and nobody talks about it, these innocent civilians have become media pariahs because they are “Jews”.

Medias would rather attack Israel over the Gaza bombings and cover the huge pro-Hamas demonstrations


The UN’s silence on the Gaza hostages taken by Hamas Palestinians is deafening for its biased handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Jewish hostages kidnapped by hamas are civilians, babies, children, and adults who believe in peace, who believe in protecting the planet and fighting climate change. Most of the hostages held in Gaza were actually together with Palestinian organizations to help them build a better future. 

SWU-KidnappedPosters_03_page-0001.jpgWe must spare a thought for them, hoping that they are not being martyred by these barbarians and that they will be released very soon, but for that to happen, we need a worldwide mobilization, millions of people taking to the streets and force hamas to release them.


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