Raising your cat or dog in an eco-friendly way


un chien et un chat couchés dans l’herbe

With the pandemic, the demand for pets has exploded, and it’s better to adopt an animal than to buy one in a store, because not only are you saving an abandoned animal, but you’re also freeing up a place for another animal in need. Adopting is also a way of curbing the trafficking of animals that are bred in deplorable conditions or are the victims of excessive reproduction. Not buying a pet is an eco-responsible and ethical gesture, not only for the animals but also for the environment.

Adopting an animal is a long-term responsibility, and you need to spend time with it, entertain it and amuse it. Avoid buying plastic toys sold in specialized stores or shops, and opt for objects made from natural materials. Plastic toys are not environmentally friendly and include toxic substances that are harmful both to your pet and to the environment. Choose simple cardboard packaging, a piece of fabric, an old stuffed toy or wooden toys. Likewise, stainless steel bowls last longer and don’t release toxic particles.

gatto marrone e nero

Manteau court noir et feu chien de taille moyenne couché sur textile blanc
Plastic litter is toxic to nature and living creatures, and is not recyclable. Buy litter made from environmentally-friendly materials: sawdust, wheat, corn or walnut shell residues, or recycled straw, twine or newspaper.The most important time for dogs is when they’re out for a walk, so make sure they don’t attack plants or other animals.When you take your dog for a walk, choose a nearby park, so you don’t have to use your car. If this isn’t possible, use public transport. Similarly, when you take your pet to the vet, choose the practice closest to your home. When traveling, take the train rather than the plane or car.Instead of buying industrial products that pollute enormously, make your pet’s meals yourself. It’s more balanced, less expensive and more environmentally responsible.

un chien brun et blanc mangeant de la nourriture dans un bol

Homemade dog food :350g rice flour or wholemeal flour
250g vegetables (your choice)
400g mixed meat
2 eggs
A cup of sunflower oil


Dice the vegetables
Cook in boiling water with oil for 20 minutes
Add the meat and cook for a further 10-15 minutes
Blend to a smooth purée
Place the mixture in a bowl
Add the rice flour and eggs
Pour the mixture into a dish lined with baking parchment
Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 30 to 40 minutes.
Remove from the oven
Cut into cubes
Return to the oven for 30 min at 170°C with the door open

Chat tigré orange sur table en bois marron

Homemade cat food :
370g mackerel or tuna, fresh or tinned
N.B.: in this case, save the fish juice for later.

One tin of cod liver smoked with oil
320g wheat flour
210g soy flour
100g wheat germ
100g corn flour
50 cl canned tuna juice or homemade chicken broth
2 tablespoons ground linseed
4-5 tablespoons vegetable oil


Mix the dry ingredients in a food processor
Add the liquids
Blend for several minutes
Add a little water to obtain a soft dough
Place the dough on baking paper on a work surface
Roll out to about 5 mm
Score the dough with an oiled spatula to form small squares like croquettes
Place your dough on a baking sheet
Dehydrate using a dehydrator at 45°C. If you don’t have one, dehydrate them in the oven for 8 to 12 hours.
croquettes must be dry

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