Palestinian cruelty to animals



The barbarity of the Palestinians extends to the animals because you don’t need a cat or a dog in Palestine and Gaza.

In Gaza, children regularly play at catching cats and dogs in the street subjecting them to torture and making them die in terrible conditions before the eyes of parents and friends who are proud to see their children acting cruelly.

In fact, they train these poor creatures to later hope to do the same to humans, in this case, Jews as happened on October 7th.

Not long ago, in Hebron, West Bank, the town’s mayor decreed that Hebron’s cats and dogs were undesirable and that a $5 bounty would be given to anyone bringing in a dead animal.


These are true scenes of horror that animal protection associations, such as the Association for Environment and Animals (AEA)which can accommodate no more than fifty animals, have witnessed the cruelty of the Palestinians.

His work includes painful moments, such as accompanying a dying animal, but also moments of joy, as with Lucy, a dog paralyzed in her hind legs after being hit by a car.

On the other hand, he can do nothing about the Gaza zoo, where animals are mistreated on a daily basis.

In 2019, after delicate and tense negotiations with Israeli authorities and Hamas, the animal welfare group evacuated 47 of his animals. It paid the zoo owner for costs he had incurred while caring for the animals, and the owner signed an agreement not to reopen the Rafah Zoo.

Unfortunately, they never respected the agreement and reopened the zoo, continuing to mistreat the animals as they did in 2019 with the monstrous lioness episode.

Mohammed Aweda

Indeed, in 2019, the ill-fated, malnourished lion was on display near the entrance, an ostrich trapped in a 3 M2 cage was frantically pecking at the bars, and two monkeys were chewing sitting on garbage.

A lion and a lioness were kept in two separate cages, each a few square meters in size. And, that day, the zoo owners were trying to separate the three lion cubs from their mother so that they could be photographed by children…

To separate the mother from her cubs, they hit the lioness with a stick and banged on the cage to stupefy her, one employee even taunting her when her babies were out of the cage.

The scandal is that this same owner had promised to close the zoo and in return, he had received money from animal associations to help him give freedom to his animals, this unscrupulous person took the money and continued his macabre business by leaving this zoo open.

This crime mirrors what’s happening in Gaza, where Hamas steals money from humanitarian associations to build tunnels and buy weapons to kill Israeli civilians.

The Palestinians do the same thing with their animals, diverting money from animal protection associations to make them suffer.
It is important to remember the rights of animals around the world, and, especially in the Palestinian territories.

The biggest  offence is the misinformation of the major international media, such as the RFI article presenting the owner of the Gaza Zoo as a victim of the Israeli offensive in Gaza. They knowingly omit the fact that this gentleman, Mohammed Aweda, is a criminal.

This criminal and swindler has killed animals and stolen grant money from animal protection organizations.

Mohammed Oweda, tried to profit from the death of his animals by stuffing them and putting them on display. This man is a monster.He dared to say “I don’t master the embalming technique very well, and I don’t have the right products to do it, and these beasts are still decomposing”.

RFI preferred to highlight the Israeli offensive which forced the exodus of animals from the Gaza zoo and the death of the animals remaining in the zoo, instead of insisting on the theft of Mohammed Aweda’s money and the lies of Mohammed Aweda who reopened the zoo in Gaza when he had promised to close it and never reopen it. It’s a disgrace.

1978 年 10 月 15 日,在巴黎联合国教科文组织大楼庄严宣告了由国际动物权利联盟共同撰写的《世界动物权利宣言》。其文本经国际动物权利联盟于 1989 年修订后,于 1990 年公布于众。




Considering that man’s respect for animals is inseparable from man’s respect for each other,


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