South Africa is one of the media in the world, since, its complaint to the international criminal court of The Hague in the Netherlands.
This country of Southern Africa, one of the most influential of all Africa tries to exist at the international level thanks to the conflict Israel-Palestinian, the gesture of the South African government to protect a terrorist organization that is Hamas and this action South Africa aims to do a great harm to the State of Israel.
It should be remembered that Hamas violated the last ceasefire, negotiated in 2021 with Israel, and that on October 7, 2023, Palestinian Hamas terrorists attacked Israeli civilians in Israel, More than 1,200 Israeli civilians were killed, and 130 Jewish hostages are still prisoners of these Palestinian barbarians.
But for those who work in South Africa, Russia, China, for Qatar, what is the interest of the South African government to put itself at risk on an extremely delicate subject which is the Israeli-Palestinian war? Qatar was able to spend nearly 30 billion dollars to organize its football World Cup, they can put on the table billions of dollars to catch the State of Israel.
The Chinese are surely behind this polite maneuver to sabotage American policy in the Middle East, as well as Russia.
In any case, is South Africa the ideal candidate to attack the State of Israel frontally with this daring complaint, the answer is negative.
First, South Africa is a corrupt state and its president is its leader. Several reports detailing anti-corruption investigations are regularly in the news in this African country. Eskom, the public electricity company, was looted. As a result, there are more and more power cuts that are enraging South Africans. This is just one example among many, since the 2010s were marked by a devastating level of corruption. They correspond to the two mandates of former president Jacob Zuma between 2009 and 2018, qualified by his successor as “nine wasted years”.
Zuma is suspected of allowing a group of individuals to infiltrate public administrations and public enterprises to divert their operations and resources. We are talking about state capture. The word is not too strong when we see that the South African tax authorities, the national airline, or the port manager, have fallen under the quasi-control of the Gupta brothers. The Gupta are siblings of Indian origin, businessmen, close to President Zuma who fled the country to escape justice.
These various scandals have led to the establishment of an anti-corruption commission that is currently submitting its investigation reports. President Cyril Ramaphosa promises “Never again”, this word has been repeated several times by Ramaphosa, whose ruling party, the ANC is heavily questioned. If he supports this great unpacking, not sure that Ramaphosa is ready for the big cleaning that would involve attacking former President Zuma.

President Ramaphosa has a very simple motto, “to ask others not to do what I, I can do,” the scandal has arrived, and it is centred on the allegations that the president tried to hide the theft of half a million dollars, which was hidden at the bottom of a sofa in his farm, other sources, mention, that the amount is four million dollars and this has led to questions about the origin of the money.
President Ramaphosa has dementia all these lies, according to which four million dollars were disrobes. He claims that the amount stolen was $580,000 and that he obtained it by selling buffaloes. The buffalo trade is very lucrative… Perhaps, he was wrong in these allegations, he should have said camels, it is more related to Qatar… Or Pandas, with the Chinese.
What is certain is that President Ramaphosa is a corrupt statesman.
1998 年莱索托南非军队
Secondly, the conflicting relationship with its neighbor, Lesotho. At the time of the speech, Mandela and Vice President Thabo Mbeki were present in South Africa, with Interior Minister Mangosuthu Buthelezi serving as Acting President. Mandela approved the deployment of the South African National Defense Force (SANDF) to Lesotho on 22 September 1998 to quell riots and maintain order.
Soldiers from the Botswana defense forces were also deployed. The operation was described as “an intervention to restore democracy and the rule of law”. The SANDF contingent included a squadron of armored fighting vehicles (en) Ratel IFV and Rooikat detached from the 1st Special Services Battalion.

Arson, violence, and widespread looting occurred despite the presence of SANDF soldiers. The last South African troops were withdrawn in May 1999 after seven months of occupation. The capital, Maseru, was badly damaged, which required several years of reconstruction.
South Africa has been accused of using its military and diplomatic superiority as regional hegemony to dominate and meddle in the internal affairs of its much smaller and weaker neighbor to promote its strategic interests, in particular the water supply of its economic center, Gauteng Province. South Africa is the largest economic and military power in SADC.

Lesotho’s problems are persistent famine, high rates of HIV infection, and over-dependence on South Africa for migrant workers and foreign aid.
The fact that Gauteng Province, the economic center of South Africa, relies heavily on water supplied by Lesotho explains Pretoria’s many attempts to influence the country’s leaders.
The Lesotho problem is a colonial problem and a South African problem. Michael Ward observed in 1965 that Lesotho was the economic hostage of South Africa. Moreover, South Africa is doing nothing to free Lesotho from this situation

In 1965, Lesotho moved from British colonialism to South African rule, known as coloniality. Ward notes: However, even the most superficial examination of the economic situation reveals that Lesotho’s economic dependence on South Africa is set to grow, regardless of the political party in power. Landlocked in South Africa, Lesotho has always been closely integrated into the economy of the republic because of its special geographical position. This situation, reinforced by extreme weather conditions and inhospitable terrain, creates an external dependence that negates any political desire for total autonomy.
We argue that Lesotho’s dependence on South Africa. n virtually all areas, is neither voluntary nor symbiotic, but imposed and maintained by the systemic violence exerted by South Africa and Nelson Mandela’s party, the ANC. This is in contrast to the interpretation of the Lesotho High Commissioner in London, who considers Lesotho “a prisoner of geography”. South Africa benefits in many ways from Lesotho’s instability, from migrant workers employed in mines, cheap water from a desperate neighbor, and greater opportunities for southern products European Union is a Member State of the Union. Lesotho is a large open-air cemetery where the population has been suffering since 1965 and the United Nations is doing nothing to help us. When Lesotho tries to emancipate itself from its South African neighbor, Pretoria ferociously reprimes, the people of Lesotho. The Lesothans have suffered a mass genocide for decades, in silence, the most total.

There were two million people in Lesotho in 1970 and there are currently 2,050,000 of Lesothan. The figures are terrible, and there is a genocide in Lesotho committed by Pretoria. South Africa, steals the land of Lesotho, and all their water reserve is pumped and sucked by Pretoria, they do not even have the means to revolt against the South African occupation.

South Africa is committing a huge genocide in Lesotho, because Nelson Mandela, the man of peace, the man who suffered from apartheid, imposed a regime of terror on Lesotho, this small country, landlocked in the middle of South Africa. The South African army controls the country at will, and the South African government has starved and thirsted the people of Lesotho. Over the past 30 years, more than 6,000,000 people have lost their lives to diseases such as poor nutrition and AIDS. It is a humanitarian tragedy and South Africa is responsible for this disaster.
In conclusion, it is not the State of Israel that should end up in The Hague as an accusation against the Palestinian terrorists of Hamas but South Africa for all these crises of wars, genocide, and theft of land against Lesotho. The protection of Lesotho by South Africa is none other than the manifestation of the coloniality of power, the real power being in the hands of South Africa, just as in the colonial era when the apartheid regime intervened directly in Lesotho to protect its national interests.